In this week’s episode we explore what it means to connect with our ancestors, and be an ancestor.
Why is exploring our ancestors relevant right now?
This time of year is associated with the thinning of the veil between the human world and spirit world in many cultural contexts - Pagan, Christian (All Hallow’s Eve), and elsewhere (eg: Dia de los Muertos / Day of the Dead in Mexico)
The festival of Samhain invites us to consider endings/beginnings, release/renewal, looking to the past in order to support the future
As we shift from autumn into winter, we also welcome the Sage archetype, our inner wise elder
The tree of November on our Rewilding Wheel is the elder
What do we chat about?
Ancestors, belonging, and feeling rooted
Human and more-than-human ancestors
The dissolution of time and the past / future binary
Why it’s important to honour those who have come before us
Academy news…
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